


服务非常专业和高效. They analyzed my website, competitors, and goals, and created a tailored strategy for my business. They also provided me with administrator access to my 谷歌分析 and Google 广告 账户s, 这样我就可以监控进度了. 很好的服务!


$199 $149
广告账户分析 Analyze advertising 账户s and campaigns to identify areas of improvement.
转化率分析 评估并提高广告活动的转化率.
广告活动优化 Optimize ongoing ad campaigns to enhance key performance indicators.
搜索查询节制 Moderate and refine 搜索 queries to align with marketing objectives.
投资分析 Analyze and optimize the allocation of investments in the advertising 账户.
竞争对手分析 Examine competitors' strategies in paid 搜索 and adjust our campaigns accordingly.
网站分析 Conduct detailed website analysis and suggest improvements for conversion rates.
A / B测试 Launch A/B tests to improve the effectiveness of paid campaigns, including various ad elements.
新活动启动 Initiate new advertising campaigns tailored to specific goals and audiences.
月度报告 Prepare a comprehensive report detailing monthly campaign performance and insights.


  1. 获得管理员访问您的谷歌分析


    You will need to share administrator access, so our PPC manager will be able to manage your 谷歌分析 账户

  2. 接收您的谷歌广告帐户的客户ID号码


    You will need to login to your 谷歌广告账户的客户ID号 (example: Account 123-456-7890).

  3. 获取关于你的主要广告目标的信息


    有效地推广新产品, 提高广告活动的转化率, 或者重新定位你的受众, 我们需要更多地了解你的目标和期望.

  4. Analyzing your existing Google 广告 Campaigns and creating a new one


    Our PPC specialist will thoroughly explore your niche and create a long-term strategy for your business. After this, our expert will launch a Google 广告 campaign and start monitoring the result.

  5. 提供详细的报告


    We will analyze your ad campaign's success and provide a detailed monthly report. Therefore, you will check the efficiency of your AdWords campaign management.


  • 您的电子邮件地址
  • 管理员访问您的谷歌分析
  • 谷歌广告账户的客户ID号
  • 关于你主要广告目标的信息


在当今这个数字至上的世界, leveraging Google 广告 is not just a strategy but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive online. 谷歌广告账户管理 service stands as a pivotal solution for maximizing your online presence and driving impactful results. 你为什么要考虑呢? 让我们来探究一下核心原因.

1. 释放综合广告账户分析的潜力: Our service begins with a deep dive into your Google 广告 账户, 揭示经常被忽视的见解. By thoroughly analyzing your ad 账户s and campaigns, we identify key areas for enhancement. This process ensures that every aspect of your digital advertising strategy is aligned with your business objectives, 为成功打下坚实的基础.

2. 专注于转化率优化: The heart of any successful ad campaign is its ability to convert. Our targeted approach in optimizing conversion rates is not just about increasing traffic but ensuring that the traffic is meaningful and converts into tangible business outcomes. 无论你是想提高销量, 增加注册, 或者驱动任何特定的行动, our expertise in conversion optimization makes your ad spend count.

3. 策略性广告活动优化以提高表现: 优化广告活动是一个持续的过程, and our service is tailored to make this process efficient and effective. We continuously refine and adjust your campaigns, focusing on improving key performance indicators. 从调整广告创意到调整竞标策略, our goal is to enhance your ROI and keep your campaigns agile and responsive to market trends.

4. 利用数据驱动的A/B测试: 我们的A/B测试方法是细致且数据驱动的, 确保每一个决定都有可靠的数据支持. This method not only improves the effectiveness of your campaigns but also provides insights into what resonates best with your audience, allowing for more personalized and successful advertising strategies.

5. 为知情决策提供详细的月度报告: Knowledge is power, and our detailed monthly reports equip you with just that. By offering comprehensive insights into your campaign's performance, these reports are invaluable tools for strategic planning and decision-making. 了解你的活动动态, 从点击率到投资回报率, 并利用这些见解来推动未来的战略.

总之, trying a 谷歌广告账户管理 service is not just about managing ads; it's about embracing a strategic partner who can transform your digital advertising efforts into a powerful driver for business growth. 我们的专家团队, 尖端的策略, 以及对成功的承诺, we ensure that your Google 广告 campaigns are not just running but excelling.



Analyzing your advertising 账户 is crucial because it helps you understand how your ads are performing. 我们看哪些广告是有效的, 你的预算是如何使用的, 以及你是否接触到了正确的受众. This analysis helps us make informed decisions to improve your ad performance and get better results for your business.


Optimizing an ad campaign means making changes to improve its performance. 为了你的生意, 这可能意味着更多的人看到你的广告, 更多的客户访问你的网站, 或者以更低的成本卖出更多的产品. 我们调整了各种元素,比如广告信息, 目标的选择, 以及实现这些改进的预算分配.


We ensure your ads reach the right people by carefully analyzing your target audience and using specific 目标的选择 in Google 广告. This includes demographics, interests, and online behaviors that match your ideal customers. 通过这样做, we increase the chances of engaging people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.


A/B testing allows us to compare different versions of your ads to see which one performs better. 这有助于你理解什么能引起你的听众的共鸣, 它是否是一个特定的信息, 图像, 或者是行动号召. By continuously testing and learning, we can refine your ads to attract more customers effectively.


在月度报告中, you’ll get clear and easy-to-understand information about how your ads are performing. 我们会告诉你有多少人看到了你的广告, 有多少人点击了它们, 以及这些点击对您的业务目标的贡献, 比如网站访问或销售. We also provide insights and recommendations for further improvement.


服务非常专业和高效. They analyzed my website, competitors, and goals, and created a tailored strategy for my business. They also provided me with administrator access to my 谷歌分析 and Google 广告 账户s, 这样我就可以监控进度了. 很好的服务!
