
约会Joomla模板 by RockThemes

大多数人都不喜欢独自生活, so we are stubbornly searching for that one and only person who will make our life complete, 满心欢喜, 爱与情感. 如今,它已成为一种...
Sales: 26
Support: 4.1/5
Here is a stylish dating agency Joomla template to turn your website into an eye candy. 它的设计带有粉红色的色调.e. 浪漫和爱情的色彩,以及高分辨率的图像...
Sales: 13
Support: 4.1/5

一对Joomla模板 by RockThemes

这个主题是专门为婚介机构设计的. It comes loaded with plenty of tools and features that ensure better navigation and splendid performance. 优雅的对角线...
Sales: 32
Support: 4.1/5
Fine-tune your website design and style using this dating Joomla web design with a visually appealing color scheme. 这个设计是为了毫不费力地推出你的婚介所或婚介...
Sales: 30
Support: 4.1/5
If you need a template for dating agency, here is a dating agency Joomla theme to have a look at. 这个设计很浪漫. 全屏滑动图像特征幸福的爱的夫妇. 最后一次说...
Sales: 27
Support: 4.1/5

约会室模板 by RockThemes

看看这个相亲机构的专业主题吧. It offers a clean layout with an assortment of custom features and elements that make it look and perform well both inside and out. Designed...
Sales: 26
Support: 4.1/5
这个主题是为婚介所开发的. The author uses transparent elements that make Internet 约会Joomla模板 layout light and airy. 浪漫的图像在页面上创造特殊的情绪....
Sales: 30
Support: 4.1/5
在现代,你可以找到很多可以让你的生意成功的工具. But the website is the most important place for your business nowadays if you run a dating agency. 它可以分辨...
Sales: 3
Support: 4.1/5
爱不分年龄,不分界限,不分距离. 如果一个人在现实生活中找不到另一半怎么办? Just because you're too busy or too shy doesn't mean you're doomed to stay alone forever. This is...
Sales: 15
Support: 4.1/5
This bridal agency Joomla web template eliminates the distance between you and the web users. 如果你需要一个快速加载和seo友好的解决方案,为您的互联网约会, 新娘中介或约会...
Sales: 10
Support: 3/5


如今,互联网上到处都是相亲网站. 尽管市场巨大,人们的兴趣永远不会下降, 如果你想让别人信任你,让你帮他们找到合适的对象, 你应该有一个专业的和体面的网站. 竞争很激烈, and an attractive online presence can help people choose your services instead of your competitors. 这就是为什么我们设计了许多约会Joomla模板, 你所需要做的就是选择一个正确的.


不管你的目标受众是什么(同性恋), straight, bisexual), 这些Joomla约会模板将很容易满足您的需求.

当约会是你的主要领域, 你必须让你的网站和服务在任何时候都可以访问, 在所有平台上, 手机和桌面都可以. All our themes are 100% responsive; that is to say, they are optimized for all screen sizes.

内容被整齐地组织在全面的文本和图像块中. 布局本身非常直观,易于导航. All Joomla dating site templates are fully customizable and come with Stock images and sliced PSD files.

让你的网站令人难忘,用户体验无可非议, 有足够的空间专门用于富媒体文件, images, galleries, texts, etc. 除了, 我们为您的用户提供了完美展示自己的工具, 包罗万象的方式.

我们的Joomla约会主题易于安装和管理. 你是完全掌控的. 此外,我们提供完整的24/7 6个月的支持. Please contact us via the chatbox below if you have any questions regarding the shopping process, 模板定制, 或者类似的东西.

预览我们的Joomla配对模板的现场演示, 然后选择最合适的那个!


It is not profitable to have an attractive design without SEO optimization, good navigation, etc. So, here is the list of characteristics that make our Joomla matchmaker layout special.

  • Search Engine Friendliness increases the web ranking of your site in the Search Results list.
  • The DropDown menu improves the website navigation as people will easily find the required element with just a few clicks.
  • 博客可以帮助你增加网络流量. The more interesting information you have, the more often people will return to your website.
  • 该图库可帮助您组织网站上的图片.
  • 论坛是吸引不同的人讨论主题的完美工具.
  • 切片PSD简化了保存一堆图像的过程.
  • 示例内容 shows the type of information you should create on a particular page.
  • 管理面板有助于提高工作效率, 洞察数据, catch bugs, and, in general, 使您的网站易于管理.


曾几何时,建立一个高质量的网站需要花费大量的时间和金钱. 但那些日子早已一去不复返. 当然,将不得不做出一些努力,使您的网站原创. But we assure you that creating a dating site does not require a lot of money and even programming skills. So, 如果你打算创建一个约会网站, 我们为社交网络和约会机构提供了令人惊叹的Joomla模板. 这是你在线形象的一个很好的开始.


This paragraph will reveal a full list of benefits our clients get when buying a Joomla dating template.

  • Various searching options will help sort out all products according to the category, color, price, 甚至是特征. As a result, you will save your valuable and find the item that fully suits the requirements.
  • The demo helps visualize how a dating Joomla template design with the particular features will look on the real website.
  • We also provide regular discounts for both dating template Joomla and services to ensure that the price will not become a stumbling block between you and the product of your dreams.
  • There are constant free updates of each item to ensure that each product has all modern features.
  • 专业, extra services will help you forget about long hours customizing and writing content for your website. Relax and enjoy life while our experts will do the hard work for you in the shortest possible time.
  • 有大量教程的YouTube频道, 产品概述, 以及有用的web开发视频.
  • 最后, 我们的基地充满了各种web开发产品的PPT, website, 和视频模板到音频, graphics, 和插件,以适应任何口味和价格范围.




Any website should be SEO-optimized as it directly influences the ranking in the search results list. 与seo准备网页与seo友好的内容在一起, 你的网站会更容易被潜在客户看到, 增加网络流量.


像现在, people use a lot of different devices with different screen sizes for surfing the internet. The website needs to be responsive and make the content readable and attractive on different screen resolutions.


If there are some troubles with customizing your romantic relationship-building theme, you can contact our Customer Support Service by clicking the hot button on the right-hand bottom column. 或者你可以订购额外的服务, 我们的专业人员将为您做所有定制. 我们不仅提供定制和安装服务,还提供:
  • all -in- in- to- use网站
  • 终极网站上线
  • 本地SEO优化
  • 品牌和平面设计服务
  • 网络营销和在线推广
  • 内容写
Order extra services by Templateog体育首页 and get instant professional web development assistance at a reasonable price.


Anyone who develops high-quality Joomla matchmaking themes has all opportunities to become a part of our professional team of developers and enjoy a full range of benefits. To become our author, you should firstly sign in or register and fill in some personal information. Then you should provide one of your templates for the quality check by our specialists. In case of positive feedback, we will welcome you to our team of professional web developers.

为什么要使用Joomla配对主题? 爱上Joomla CMS的5个原因

观看有关杰出Joomla约会主题功能的有用视频. 多语言功能, 大量的扩展集合, 内置页面编辑器, and much more valuable opportunities to make your Matchmaking website project unique and successful!